
Melanie Pomphrett MSc, PGCE, RDH

Head Tutor

Melanie is a registered dental hygienist and qualified tutor. She holds a Master's degree in Professional Dental Practice, a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, an Advanced Diploma in Dental Nursing and a Foundation Degree of Science in Oral Health Science. She is the head tutor and one of the support tutors for the course. Melanie is passionate about dental education and is a dedicated tutor.

Course curriculum

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    • Welcome

    • Presentation Slides

    • Webinar introduction

    • Diet

    • Alcohol

    • Smoking

    • Oral health routines

    • Fluoride levels

    • Oral health activities

    • Hygiene

    • Stress and oral health

    • Stress and anxiety

    • Test your knowledge

    • Reflective learning

    • Feedback

    • Your certificate

    • DNN Survey: Website User Experience

    • Thank you!