Learning Objectives

GDC Development Outcome A, B, D.

  • Give a brief background of the CQC.

  • Explain the role of the CQC in practice regulation.

  • Explain the Key Lines of Enquiry and how we can provide evidence they are being met.

  • Describe the types of CQC assessment and how to prepare for CQC inspection.


Stephanie Carter RDT, RDH, DTLLS, IQA, MDTFEd.

Tutor, Assessor and Internal Moderator

Stephanie is a registered dental hygienist and therapist and holds a Level 7 Qualification in Leadership and Management and a level 5 teaching diploma. She is a qualified assessor, internal moderator (quality assurance) and a qualified CPR and medical emergencies trainer. She is a passionate educator, a member of the faculty of dental trainers and has over 20 years experience in the dental industry.